Sunday, July 18, 2010

Army at Home: Women and the Civil War on the Northern Home Front (Civil War America)

Army at Home: Women and the Civil War on the Northern Home Front (Civil War America) Review

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Introducing readers to women whose Civil War experiences have long been ignored, Judith Giesberg examines the lives of working-class women in the North, for whom home front was a battlefield of its own.

Black and white working-class women managed farms that had been left without a male head of household, worked in munitions factories, made uniforms, and located and cared for injured or dead soldiers. As they became more active in their new roles, they became visible as political actors, writing letters, signing petitions, moving (or refusing to move) from their homes, and confronting civilian and military officials.

At the heart of the book are stories of women who fought the draft in New York and Pennsylvania, protested segregated streetcars in San Francisco and Philadelphia, and demanded a living wage in the needle trades and safer conditions at the Federal arsenals where they labored. Giesberg challenges readers to think about women and children who were caught up in the military conflict but nonetheless refused to become its collateral damage. She offers a dramatic reinterpretation of how America's Civil War reshaped the lived experience of race and gender and brought swift and lasting changes to working-class family life.

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Jul 19, 2010 17:09:06

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Setting Up Stones: A Parent's Guide to Making Your Home a Place of Worship

Setting Up Stones: A Parent's Guide to Making Your Home a Place of Worship Review

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I wonder what thoughts come to your mind when you hear the words `family worship'. Maybe a family sitting in a circle looking captivated as their dad reads to them the Bible. Maybe something you know would be good to do with your family but is something you haven't been able to do regularly.

Setting up Stones speaks to both these things. It shows that family worship is much more than just sitting around studying the Bible, it can be far more creative. At the same time it encourages and provides practical steps about how to make this happen in your family.

This book gets its title from the passage Joshua 4:20-24 where Joshua and the Israelites set up stones to remind them of what God has done. This book is about helping your family remember what God has done or in the words of Joshua, setting up stones.

In the first half of the book they remind us that through Jesus' death on the cross there is now a new way for us to have fellowship with God, and we are invited to do so. In our homes we are encouraging our children to live a lifestyle of praising God for who He is and what He's done as the get to know Him better. In order to do this we need to be prepared, purposeful and perceptive in spotting those teachable moments.

Then in the second half they share some of the ways in which families can worship God including music, stories, prayer and traditions. It finishes with a reminder that God's role for us as parents is to step up the stones so our children can discover Him.

The style of this book is engaging, the personal experiences back up the points they make, and the huge number of ideas they have provided for how a family can worship God are extremely useful (I hope to incorporate some of them with my children). There are a couple of weaknesses though. I would have liked there to have been a chapter on the more traditional elements of family worship (Bible Study, Catechism). Also there are resources they recommend I would discourage people from using, such as Rob Bell's Velvet Elvis. But these two things should not put you off get what I thought was a helpful book on family worship.
Setting Up Stones is a fast-paced, interactive release to help today’s busy parents do three important things: (1) hone their spiritual parenting skills; (2) help their children build a solid foundation of faith; and (3) transform their home into a place of worship. The interactive format of Setting Up Stones will quickly engage parents in more than passive reading; it will invite them to lift the ideas off the page and creatively apply them to their family situation. Biblical principles are explained and illustrated concisely; lively anecdotes help readers see the relevance to today’s family. Each chapter has sidebar content that provides ample opportunity for parents to apply key ideas and try practical activities. Setting Up Stones provides a fresh take on a timeless topic.

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Much needed addition to the family - Janna R. Ryan - Nebraska
Is family devotion time at your house greeted with less than shouts of enthusiasm? Is there even a family devotion time at your house? I have good memories of devotions growing up, but they weren't done like clockwork. My husband on the other hand has nightmares of the nightly 2 hour devotions growing up in his house. So finding a balance hasn't really happened in our house yet. This book caught my interest right away when I found out what it was about. I think there is a real need for something like this. So lets take a look...

Think of Setting Up Stones as a workbook, at the end of each chapter there are ideas to try and questions to answer to really get you thinking. It is interactive if you let it be. The first part of each chapter is part Greg and part Martha giving illustrations, stories and insight into ways you can bring worship into a daily part of your family life. The important thing being that they get you to reevaluate what worship is. The beauty of this book is that you will start to see worship all around you and in more things that you do and you will help your kids see it too.

Great book! I have recommended it to my mom for the Young Moms Bible Study she teaches at church because it would be a perfect book for something like that.

Jul 18, 2010 15:29:04

Friday, July 16, 2010

From Home to Homeland: What Adoptive Families Need to Know before Making a Return Trip to China

From Home to Homeland: What Adoptive Families Need to Know before Making a Return Trip to China Review

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I read this book because the topic is of critical interest to someone very close to me. I'm writing this review because I believe this book would be of great benefit to many others. Plus, being an American born Chinese first son, I found it just plain interesting reading. It's pretty long but since it falls into the category of books where longer is actually better, that's fine. Let's face it, if you plan to take your adopted Chinese child(ren) back to China, you probably would rather know more than less.

You probably would also want your experience to be unique. Well, just because another family did things a certain way doesn't mean you have to. In fact, often you shouldn't; you can learn from their mistakes as well. This book combines first hand accounts with general advice. I don't think knowing certain things ahead of time -- travel options and their pros and cons, what to pack or what not to bring on an overnight standing room only train ride, gift giving and general etiquette -- dilutes at all from the experience. If you're even reading a book like this, it probably means you want to be prepared.

But you will also find things you may never have anticipated. If you have other children, how might they react? Would you even have thought of being considerate of the feelings of the children you will meet who have yet to be adopted? And depending on the situation, what of the feelings of the original foster mother? Let me tell you, there's one scene described that is so beautifully sad, you'll be hard pressed not to shed a tear.

But that tear also partially signifies that you weren't prepared for it. Once you read this book, you'll be prepared for this and many other things. Yes, the return visit provides an opportunity for a wonderful adventure, but it can also be traumatizing for all involved. This book increases the odds it will be the former. If you're in the market for a book like this, do yourself and your family a favor and read this one.

And good luck. Every year, hundreds of adoptive families embark on homeland trips to China and other countries. Homeland trips offer great opportunities for helping adopted children develop a coherent narrative that makes sense of their complicated beginnings. Although the trip can be a joyful experience, it can also raise many challenges. The chapters of this book by Joyce Maguire Pavao, Jane Brown, Jane Leidtke, Rose Lewis, and many others offer the engaging perspectives of adoptive parents, professionals, researchers, and, most importantly, adopted children themselves. Together, they comprise a unique, invaluable resource that will help families prepare for a homeland trip, make decisions about how to travel, anticipate what they might experience in China, and meaningfully integrate events and emotions after arriving back home. From Home to Homeland is for all internationally adoptive families considering a homeland trip or figuring out how to best make sense of a trip after returning home.

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Invaluable Handbook for Loving Parents - Caring Mom - California, USA
This book is a stand-out combination of theory and practical tools to help parents navigate the complex experience of returning to China with their adopted children. Parents often feel isolated or ill-informed when it comes to supporting their children's connection to their homeland, but it doesn't have to be that way. This book gives you a community of colleagues and fellow parents from who to learn. I really enjoyed learning about return trips from the perspective of adoptees themselves, and it was helpful to get a better sense of how to travel with children who have more emotional needs. These nine section titles will give you a good idea of what the book covers:

I) Preparing Children and Families for the Trip
II) Choosing Group or Independent Travel
III) Making Connections in China
IV) Visiting the Orphanage, Finding Site and Foster Family
V) Traveling With Children Who Face Emotional Challenges
VI) Adoptees' Own Experiences of Returning to China
VII) Living in China Temporarily
VIII) Home Again: Lasting Impact of the Trip
IX) What the Research Tells Us

I highly recommend From Home to Homeland.

Jul 17, 2010 15:12:06

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Home Security, 3rd Edition: How to Keep Your Home and Family Safe from Crime

Home Security, 3rd Edition: How to Keep Your Home and Family Safe from Crime Review

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A burglary takes place on average every 30 seconds. This book will show you how you can reduce the risk of it happening to you. There is a lot that the average person can do to protect themselves, their family and their property. This book will show you how to perform a security review on your home and lifestyle: - how to identify a range of vulnerabilities, threats and risks; and - how to take the countermeasures that will make it highly unlikely that you become a victim of crime. The measures are mostly simple, and all are designed to be implemented with the minimum of cost and effort.

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Jul 16, 2010 12:16:05

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Home Schooled

Home Schooled Review

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Reviewed by Patti Yackulic for Reader Views (6/07)

From birth, we are bombarded with poetry, pleasant experiences initially in the guise of nursery rhymes and later as song lyrics. Nevertheless, as we mature, we develop a reluctance to read and to permit ourselves to enjoy poetry. We can't seem to recognize that musical lyrics do not differ from stanzas printed on the pages of compilations of verse. What a shame! Those individuals who fail to crack open the cover of a poetry book miss the incredible experiences of viewing vivid pictures emblazoning pages with various styles of verse.

Larry Rochelle's "Home Schooled" is a prime example of an artist employing words to project countless detailed images in the minds of his audience. As we devour stanza upon stanza, we're immersed into the Kansas landscape, gaining a deep appreciation for the people of this region. Although we do not always concur with the views Rochelle portrays, we understand the history which has led to the evolution of this region. As we follow the central theme Rochelle has woven, by expounding on various pertinent issues, throughout "Home Schooled," we experience Rochelle's thoughts and emotions as we gain comprehension of the Kansas mindset.

As I read through each poem included in "Home Schooled," I acquired a cadre of illustrations imprinted in my mind, each picture representative of one of the topics circling the central theme of the book. I realized that I visualized each scene with such ease simply as a result of the mastery of Rochelle's words; hence, I'm appreciative of the awards Rochelle has garnered with his previous works. Indeed, Rochelle's ability to educate me with his verses has me searching through the shelves, of my local bookstore, for his other volumes of poetry.

Larry Rochelle's latest book of poetry, HOME SCHOOLED, depicts the lives of Kansans as they fight the forces of change in their schools, their small towns and in their relationships.

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Jul 15, 2010 00:47:08

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The Good Jewish Home

The Good Jewish Home Review

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Emily Haft Bloom has written a concise primer for Jewish families and others, who wish to learn about Jewish customs, rituals, major holidays, and the origins of the Jewish faith. Ms. Bloom also has included easy-to-follow recipes for traditional dishes.
This is a welcome and well-researched guide to good Jewish living.

Ed Sultan The Good Jewish Home offers thoughts, ideas, and guidance on how to celebrate your Jewish heritage in a modern family setting. Track the origins of the Jewish faith, understand the events in the Jewish life cycle from the bris or baby naming to the rituals of shiva, how-to hold a Jewish wedding and what to do during the major festivals throughout the year, including Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Passover, Purim and Hanukkah. The Good Jewish Home includes a brief history of Jewish thought, passages and ideas from biblical text and how they can guide modern daily life, inspiration from great Jewish thinkers and leaders, a discussion of Jewish family roles as they appear in the Torah, and Shabbat’s importance as a weekly ritual to reinforce Jewish tradition. As a special bonus throughout the book, Emily Haft Bloom has included simple recipes for traditional Jewish dishes that the modern family can create in their own kitchen: everything from a traditional Shabbat dinner menu to holiday dishes like latk es, honey cake, vegetable kugel, hamantaschen, brisket, stuffed cabbage and tzimmes. The Good Jewish Home gives recommendations on how to meld established religious observance with practical contemporary practices. Let this book guide your family to good Jewish living.

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Jul 13, 2010 22:08:07

Sunday, July 11, 2010

American Medical Association Guide to Home Caregiving

American Medical Association Guide to Home Caregiving Review

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My brother and I take care of my eighty-year-old mother. She has
diabetic neuropathy and can't walk. But she's a good kid and
we take care of her. This book has helped. Although the object of the book at first seems to be to develop a care plan; it really is a book of primary skills that you need in caregiving.
The book is best because you are not overwhelmed with 465 ways
to help your loved one. This is a primary and basic skills book.
Buy this book if you are new at caregiving and don't know where to start. Because the American Medical Associarion wrote it, I imagine that it would be good for all caregivers to buy it. I just love this book. It's like a Boy Scout manual. It's user-friendly for your brain. And sometimes simplicity can do more good that needless complications and theories. Thank you and I wish you luck. At some time, most families will need to provide home care for an aging family member who is ill or disabled. While home caregiving provides many benefits, it takes careful planning, support, and patience.

The American Medical Association Guide to Home Caregiving provides the information you need to take the best possible care of an elderly, ill, or disabled person in a home setting. Written by experts from the American Medical Association, the book explains such essentials as how to:

  • Plan and arrange a room to adapt to a loved one’s needs
  • Give medications, maintain hygiene, monitor symptoms, deal with incontinence, provide emotional support, and relieve boredom
  • Choose a home healthcare provider
  • Pay for home healthcare, including Medicare and Medicaid, and long-term care insurance
  • Care for a person with Alzheimer’s disease or a terminal illness
  • Choose between alternative living arrangements such as assisted living facilities or nursing homes
  • Take care of yourself, the caregiver

With advice that touches both the physical and the emotional aspects of caregiving, this supportive, practical handbook will help make the experience as successful and rewarding as possible for you and your loved one.

For more than 150 years, the American Medical Association has been the leading group of medical experts in the nation and one of the most respected health-related organizations in the world. The AMA continues to work to advance the art and science of medicine and to be an advocate for patients and the voice of physicians in the United States.

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home health aide - Floyd J. Stephens - Greenville NC
Excellent book with good and appropriate information and also supplies a variety of resources to contact for specific needs and questions. Addresses many of the issues families face in home care for a loved one in a concise and easy to read and understand format.

Very Practical - Judy - USA
This guide is very practical and deals with all aspects of eldercare and caring to the caregiver. I highly recommend it.

Jul 12, 2010 15:15:07

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Home Management 101: A Guide for Busy Parents

Home Management 101: A Guide for Busy Parents Review

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"This book shares all the information you will need to create a successful, easy-to-maintain system for your family. By learning the basic skills of an organized parent, you can react in a calm professional manner so that you control your household, rather than allowing it to control you." ~Debbie Williams

If your home looks like a hurricane just hit and there is no storm in sight, this book might help you finally tackle your organizational challenges. If you just have a few things out of place, here or there, then this will give you a few basic ideas you can implement in your organizational wars.

My mother's idea of organizing was to put everything in my room in the middle of the floor and let me sit and organize it for hours on end. Even after all this training, I still occasionally find myself in the middle of some disorganized, creative whirlwind.

There are times when you might be more in the mood to organize than at other times. To use those to the best advantage, read this book! It is really about more than just putting away clutter. I love her ideas about writing down items you run out of on "inventory" sheets hanging in various rooms. It saves running to the other room to find that pen and paper and ...oops, you already forgot what you were going to write down. This is a great time saver.

Debbie Williams presents an action plan:

1. Let's Get it Together -You will finally have ideas for how to sort through the items in your house. I like her idea about organizing one room at a time. It will give you a sense of satisfaction to see your home changing one room at a time.

2. Home Management 101 - A great section on managing paper clutter. I take ideas about sorting mail very seriously these days. One idea I discovered that saved me a ton of time sorting mail, was to get a P.O. Box. That way, I only get mail once a week for the most part and I take time all at once to sort through everything and organize bills, etc. As Debbie says: "Did you know that eighty percent of what you file is never looked at again."

3. Conquering Common Clutter - It is very easy to organize your closets. The author gives ideas for various ways to organize various items. I used her system to organize my clothes into various sections so it is easy to decide on formal/casual, etc. I like her ideas on "rules about inside/outside toys" and "one toy rule" to keep toys put away when not in use. Her "conquering kitchen clutter" was enlightening. I finally purchased a "chore chart" and put it on the front of the refrigerator. Want to remove some of that art on the front of the refrigerator? The author has some ideas about how to organize your children's creative offerings.

4. The Organized Parent - Ever considered organizing your car? This chapter has ideas about mobile desks, diaper bag checklists, creating a traveling nursery, creating stress-free holidays and even ideas on how to save money when ordering Christmas cards.

5. Office Management 101 - This situation is often a very highly specialized organization task, however most of us need the same basic items. Debbie gives ideas on how to consider the needs of all the people in your family who will be using this area.

6. From Here to There: Effective Time Management - This chapter really makes you more aware of the reality of priorities. Debbie encourages you to define what is most important in your life and schedule time for work, family AND yourself. She ends the chapter with a discussion about goal planning and the difference between must, should and would.

7. It's A Dirty Job, But ...- How to organize bathrooms, complete spring cleaning. Her ideas about freshening up pillows and comforters really do work and save drycleaner bills.

8. More Help for the Organizationally Challenged - A list of books with ISBN numbers so they are easy to look up at Am land. There is also a list of fun organizing products you can shop for online.

Throughout the book, the author gives Bright Ideas that are very helpful. One idea that has helped me be more organized is just getting a big black trash bag and walking through the house now and then. I did this for years and finally I can hardly find anything I want to give away. It has helped me keep the clutter down and it is less painful to get rid of your precious possessions a little at a time. After a few years, you start looking forward to donating items to good causes.

A cute book that is a fast-read so you can get right to all that organizing!

~The Rebecca Review If you are searching for a book on home management, you may have found yourself among the ranks of the organizationally challenged. You just can’t seem to get it together, running in all directions as you try to balance work, family, friends and spouse while still squeezing in some time for yourself.

You are not alone! Many busy parents feel just as you do. Entrepreneurs, full-time working parents, and those who work from home, all feel that they are stretched beyond the limits of their physical and emotional endurance at one time or another. Home Management 101: a guide for busy parents offers practical, real-world solutions to gaining control of your life and your household, once and for all.

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For Moms Who Are New To Organizing - S. Patel -
This book is a great foundation for moms who are new to organizing and need some basic help and advice. For those moms who are already organized, this book provides nothing new. All in all it was a good read and I did pick up a few useful hints.

It works! - -
A very useful book to gain control of my home. So many helpful ideas to manage and keep my home in order.

Jul 11, 2010 06:40:55

Friday, July 9, 2010

Families Where Grace Is in Place: Building a Home Free of Manipulation, Legalism, and Shame

Families Where Grace Is in Place: Building a Home Free of Manipulation, Legalism, and Shame Review

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Now updated with discussion guides for families and small groups, Families Where Grace Is in Place continues to minister to couples and parents nearly twenty years after it was first published. Using his professional and personal experience, VanVonderen shows readers how to nurture God-honoring relationships free of manipulation, legalism, and shame. This book is a practical and insightful discussion on living a graceful life and building a strong and happy home using God's tools.

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Jul 10, 2010 05:46:06

Thursday, July 8, 2010

The Reagans (First Families)

The Reagans (First Families) Review

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An account of the private life and political career of Ronald Reagan, with information on his family relationships, particularly with his second wife, Nancy Davis Reagan.

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Jul 09, 2010 00:15:17

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

In a Mother's Arms: Finally a Family/Home Again (Mother's Day Anthology) (Steeple Hill Love Inspired Historical #29)

In a Mother's Arms: Finally a Family/Home Again (Mother's Day Anthology) (Steeple Hill Love Inspired Historical #29) Review

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This is TWO books in ONE, and as Jillian Hart is one of my VERY FAVORITE authors ... I KNEW I HAD TO PURCHASE THIS BOOK ...and am I glad I did!

The first book, "Finally a Family" is actually another McKaslin book ... if you have read either, (or both, as I have) the contemporary, or the historical, McKaslin books previously, you definitely will want to read this book as well. Now, this one is about a two little girls, Prudence and Penelope, that want a mother so very bad that they set out to find a wife for their dad and of course they pick one ... their dad, Sam, has other ideas and that IS NOT WHAT HE WANTS. She, Molly, of course, falls in love with these adorable little girls that definitely find trouble wherever they go, along with the help of their pet cow and her antics ... it, of course, all works out! It is a darling book interspersed with humor which adds to the enjoyment of this book.

The second book is by Victoria Bylin, whom I have not read previously it is called "Home Again". I could feel the heartbreak of this mother, Cassie, as her son was acting out and causing so much trouble that she truly did not know how to help him. She moved back to her amall hometown thinking that this would solve the problem, but of course, his deeper issues followed him. This problem could be true for mothers today, as well as, all those years ago. Her former love, Gabe, who also is the town sheriff, tries to help her with her son. This is so hard for her as she finds she still has feelings for him, which she definitely feels first, that she does not want and then when she acknowledges them to herself she is not sure that she should feel. The town's people are very judgemental, especially one woman that seems to have a lot of influence over the others which adds another element in this book ... all and all this is a very good book and a new author that I will definitely be reading more of.

In a Mother's Arms: Finally a Family/Home Again (Mother's Day Anthology) (Steeple Hill Love Inspired Historical #29) Feature

Finally a Family by Jillian Hart

Widow Molly McKaslin won't marry for less than true love. But does handsome town doctor Sam Frost want a wife, or a housekeeper for his daughters? With the help of two little matchmakers, Molly might end up with the family of her dreams.

Home Again by Victoria Bylin

When her troublemaking son vandalizes the town church, Cassie O'Rourke comes facetoface with town sheriffand former loveGabe Wyatt. The honorable lawman offers to help tame her wild child, if he can come courting. For the love of her son, dare she entrust her heart to this man once more?

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Two Great Short Stories!! - Claudia - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Both romances are very good.
If you like short stories you will be very happy with this book.
They have excellent plot and lovely characters!

Jul 07, 2010 22:41:08

Monday, July 5, 2010

Arthur Andersen Answers the 101 Toughest Questions About Family Business

Arthur Andersen Answers the 101 Toughest Questions About Family Business Review

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The definitive guide for answers to all of your family business questions.

Based on interviews with leading consultants from the Arthur Andersen Center for Family Business, Arthur Andersen Answers the 101 Toughest Questions About Family Business presents 101 of the most commonly asked questions and answers them clearly and concisely, incorporating a variety of real-life case studies. In a straightforward, easy-to-read manner, the authors provide the answers for such topics as:

Transition and continuity challenges Financial and charitable planning In-law and sibling employee issues Taking the business public Selling the business

Arthur Andersen Answers the 101 Toughest Questions About Family Business provides concise, proven solutions to conflicts that can spring up between founders and successors, owners and employees, siblings and in-laws.

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reference book - Larry A. Hollar - La Junta, CO United States
The book consists of questions and answers. They are divided into chapters by topic. This format makes this a reference book, but not one which you want to read cover to cover. If you are hungry for all 101 answers, you are better off with another book on the subject.
But it sits on my shelf for use as a reference.

Jul 06, 2010 19:41:05

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Angeleno Days: An Arab American Writer on Family, Place, and Politics

Angeleno Days: An Arab American Writer on Family, Place, and Politics Review

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Angeleno Days: An Arab American Writer on Family, Place, and Politics Feature

Though he has spent half of his life elsewhere, Greg Orfalea has remained obsessed with Los Angeles. That “brutal, beautiful city along the Pacific sea” shaped him and led to a series of memoirs originally published in the Los Angeles Times Magazine. These deeply moving pieces are gathered here together for the first time.

Populated with fascinating characters—the Angelenos of Orfalea’s life—these essays tell the story of the author’s trials. He returns to Los Angles to teach, trying to reconcile the LA of his childhood with the city he now faces. He takes on progressively more difficult and painful subjects, finally confronting the memories of the shocking tragedy that took the lives his father and sister.

With over 400,000 Arab Americans in Los Angeles—probably surpassing Detroit as the largest contingent in America—Orfalea also explores his own community and its political and social concerns. He agonizes over another destruction of Lebanon and examines in searing detail a massacre of civilians in Iraq.

Angeleno Days takes the memoir and personal essay to rare heights. Orfalea is a deeply human writer who reveals not only what it means to be human in America now, but what it will take to remain human in the days to come. These essays soar, confound, reveal, and strike at our senses and sensibilities, forcing us to think in new ways and to feel new things.

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Jul 05, 2010 19:37:05